Proverbs 7:11
“She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house:”
And wants to be anywhere except where she was called to keep.
I’m not promoting being a hermit and never leaving your home. I’m not promoting isolation.
You can never leave your home and still not abide there.
You can be physically at home, and not abiding there, your mind can wander, you can spend hours scrolling, trying to escape somewhere else.
Husbands and children go unnoticed and unloved, because of a woman who doesn’t want to abide in the house she may have prayed for at one time.
When you are not abiding in your home, who is keeping it? When you are roaming around, mentally and emotionally or otherwise, no one is keeping your home. It’s vulnerable for the enemy to enter. When I’m not abiding in my home, who is training the children in the way they should go? Who is weaving prayers into the washing of dishes, folding of clothes, cleaning up of spills, and cooking meals? Who is kissing little cheeks and reminding them that Jesus loves them?
Who is loving the provider of our home?
Who is believing in him and cheering him on?
Faithful men are a rarity in these days, why would I choose to abide anywhere but next to him?
Not abiding in your home, roaming around, can be as simple as the mindless scrolling on social media platforms. I am as guilty as anyone for “zoning out” on Instagram reels rather than focusing on abiding in my own home. I’m guilty of giving my best to others, before giving it in my home. I’m guilty of getting caught up in things outside of my home, before keeping my home first.
I can minister outside of my home, but I should never neglect my own home to do so. I shouldn’t let my feet roam around, instead of first abiding in my house.
Are your feet, your mind, your heart, abiding in your home first? Or are you mindlessly looking for ways to distract and “escape?”
Where does your heart abide?
God will never be able to use you anywhere, if he cannot use you in your own home.
Put down the devices, put down the books, pick up your Bible, look your family in the eyes, and abide there.
You’re irreplaceable here.