What if, when we meet Him face to face, God returns to us every tear we’ve ever shed?
Each one carefully collected, lovingly preserved—a testament to His nearness in our pain.
Perhaps He will hold out a vessel, etched with our name in the handwriting of the Divine,
and say with tender reverence, “These, my beloved, are priceless to me.
I wept when you wept, and I kept them all so you would know
that not a single moment of your sorrow went unnoticed.”
Then, with a grace that only He possesses,
He will wipe away every tear from our eyes,
and with that gentle touch, the memory of heartache will fade—
no more shadow, no more sting.
And perhaps, in that sacred exchange,
the eyes of the Almighty will brim with tears of His own.
Not tears of grief, but of radiant joy,
as He watches us worship Him, unfettered and free,
overflowing with a joy so pure, so complete,
that it could only come from being held in the arms of the One
who makes all things whole.
