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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Anyone Can Be A Dull Blade

Proverbs 27:17

“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the

countenance of his friend.”

Sharpeneth- to make sharp, to be fierce, full of courage

Your blade cannot sharpen another when you’re already dull.

Where do you get your edge?

In his presence.

Have you ever tried to cut anything with a dull blade?

It makes a mess.

It tears.

It damages.

That’s what we do with a dull blade.

We damage, rather than sharpening each other.

Dull blades often attack each other, rather than sharpening each other. Sharp blades sharpen those around them, increasing their effectiveness.

Dull blades attack, damage, and leave wounds.

We need each other.

But we are doing nothing for the kingdom of Heaven when we are so dull that all we are doing is damaging those around us.

How is your edge?

Have you made spending time in his presence a priority? You will never be sharp on your own, no matter how you try to fake it, no matter how you try to look sharp. A dull edge may appear sharp when you’re simply looking at it, but as soon as the blade falls and damage begins, all is clear.

You’ll only be a benefit when you choose to spend time in his presence, in fellowship with him.

Dull blades are easy to find.

It’s the sharp ones that stand out.

Anyone can be dull.

It takes effort, it takes work to stay sharp.

But those around you need you sharp, they need you effective, they need you to make keeping your edge a priority.

Dull damages.

And edge is effective.

You get to choose.

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