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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Being hurt isn’t the problem

Psalms 119:165

“Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.”

Offend-stumbling block, obstacle, an idol, overthrow, faint or fall.

Has anyone ever hurt your feelings?

Me too.

A lot of times.

Actually, I’ve had my heart absolutely stomped on a few times.

And that’s a part of life.

But when you are in love with the word of God, that hurt doesn’t become a stumbling block. It doesn’t become something that weakens you or makes you faint.

It doesn’t become an idol that you worship.

Yes…we’ve all done it…we’ve continually been devoted to our hurts that we’ve worshipped it and gave it all our attention and tried our best to get everyone else to look at it and worship with us.

All because we didn’t love God’s word the way we should. His word a healing balm to the soul. His word brings peace when nothing makes sense. His word binds up the broken pieces of your heart. He is the answer.

Hurts are inevitable.

But it doesn’t have to become a stumbling block. You don’t have to let the way you’ve been done wrong make you wrong.

That’s when hurts become offenses. That’s when hurts become a problem.

If your hurt has become an obstacle, evaluate your love for the word of God.

It’s hard to fellowship with the Father and worship a hurt. You cannot serve two masters,

It’s hard to say that you love his law when you’re constantly tripping over the same stumbling block of hurt.

It’s hard for those around you to see that great peace when you’re idolizing your hurt, it’s all you talk about, it’s your identity.

Being hurt isn’t the problem.

Being offended is.

Which one are you?

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