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Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Bereaved parents

July is bereaved parents month, I didn’t want to let the month close without honoring all the little ones waiting on the other side🤍

“…love doesn’t die, people do, so when all that is left of me is love, give me away.”

Maybe all that’s left is the faint positive on a pregnancy test.

Maybe you have ultrasound photos.

Maybe you have ashes and foot prints.

Maybe there’s a grave you can visit.

Maybe you’re haunted by your own bathroom, and the loss you experienced there.

That life, no matter how short, was loved so deeply. And when all that is left is love, give that love away.

Don’t grow bitter and cold.

Honor that life, not matter how small, and give that love, that you never got to give them, away.

When the tears fall, and you feel that loss so fresh again, weep for the life you never got to live together. Then go give that love away.

Grief is often so heavy, because we never try to give that love away, we try to hold it in and hold it tight…thinking that somehow, our tight grip will keep their memory alive stronger.

When in reality, nothing could memorialize them more, than giving all that love away…all the love that was meant to be there’s, all the love for every stage, every birthday, every milestone you never got to see.

My heart would break, if a little voice in heaven, called my name, but they wept as they embraced me because I held onto the love I had for them instead of giving it away.

Give it away in smiles.

Give it away in kind words.

Give it away in big hugs.

Give it away in sweet worship, with weary hands raised high.

Give all that love away, there will always be more. You will never “run out.” And one day, when you’re reunited at the feet of Jesus, that little face will smile up at you, so proud of how you gave all that love away for them.🤍

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