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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Beware when your heart seeks a distraction

2 Samuel 11:1

“And it came to pass, after the year was expired, at the time when kings go forth to battle, that David sent Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel; and they destroyed the children of Ammon, and besieged Rabbah. But David tarried still at Jerusalem.”

Maybe it was the war that burdened David. The thoughts of his men going to battle and losing their lives. It was all overwhelming, mentally…and taxing physically.

It was a heavy burden to carry.

So, David decided to send his men to the battle, but to remain home. He wanted a distraction from the burdens he was under. He wanted a break. He wanted freedom from that burden.

So, he distracted himself.

And as he did, he walked across the roof and saw Bathsheba. It started with a look, a look that never should’ve been given. Then an inquiry into who she was. Then he sent people to take her and bring her to him.

His seemingly innocent desire for a distraction from his burdens on the battlefield, turned into one of the greatest things that David is known for, the sin with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah.

He wanted to be away from the battlefield for a while. Such a seemingly innocent desire, yet the want for a distraction in his mind led him farther away from the Lord than he ever could’ve imagined.

I know you’re weary from this burden you’re carrying. I know the battlefield is just such an overwhelming place some days.

I know you’re tired.

I know you want to take a break.

But be wary of the moments when your mind and heart seeks a distraction from what you are facing.

Distractions will often cause you to cross boundaries that you never would’ve otherwise.

Distractions cause causalities in battle when they are allowed to to continue.

I know your heart is weary, your mind is full.

I know you wonder how much longer you can carry it all.

But victory is coming.

Don’t sacrifice your victory for a distraction, a moment away from the burden.

Victory is coming, because it’s already been won for you!

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