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Buy yourself flowers

Writer's picture: Sarah TrentSarah Trent

“I can buy myself flowers…”

I hear that in the grocery stores, on people’s Instagram stories, restaurants, the car beside me at the red light.

No, I can’t buy myself flowers.

And why would I want to?

I can’t buy myself flowers because my husband is working and providing for our family, I depend on him.

And because I don’t want to go buy myself flowers, I get to stay home and raise my children. I get to stay home and keep the home.

I get to be a help meet.

I get to be a mother.

I get to thrive in the way God designed marriage and thrive in the calling he has set up for me.

Why would I have any desire to buy myself flowers and forsake the abundance that there is in serving your family?

The selfish, “independent,” feminist attitude that is so glorified in that song is NOT abundant life.

That is not success.

It is not a successful life to be so bitter that you would rather buy yourself flowers, than allow the Lord to grow an entire garden in your life.

But so many will choose to go chasing after a vapor of self fulfillment, while the Lord is waiting to give them an abundant life, a garden of beauty, in exchange for the ashes of a broken life.

So go ahead.

Buy yourself flowers.

I don’t have to.

I have a whole garden.

Given to me by the Lord.

I have a whole garden, that is mine to keep, because I am dependent on my husband to be provider. It’s okay to depend on your husband, just a reminder.

I have a whole garden so why would I choose LESS?

Buy yourself flowers.

Or choose the garden the Lord wants to give you.

Psalms 92:12

“The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.”



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