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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Cain and Able

I read a very powerful quote this week that said:

“Remember Cain and Abel?

Cain not only refused to do right, but he also hated and killed his brother who did right. Those who DISOBEY God often despise those who OBEY God.”

Cain was angry because Abel chose right.

He was angry that Abel obeyed.

He was angry that God was pleased with Abel.

Abel did NOTHING but choose the Lord.

And that provoked Cain to anger.

It’s likely that Cain could’ve repented, and brought the Lord a proper sacrifice.

He could’ve said to Abel, “thank you for doing right, and setting the standard.”

But instead, he allowed his brother’s choice to choose the Lord, enrage him.

Instead of choosing to turn from his own ways, and choose to obey, he despised the one doing right.

If Cain lived now, he would likely have a podcast or a Tik Tok channel, slamming Abel for the “religious trauma” Abel allegedly put him through.

And he likely wouldn’t have killed Able with a rock, but instead would sit behind a keyboard and try to kill Abel’s testimony.

But that wouldn’t change the fact that Abel was obedient, and Cain was not.

No matter how loudly Cain may have insisted that he was done wrongfully, it didn’t change Abel’s obedience. It didn’t change the truth.

There will always be those who despise you for your obedience, instead of addressing their disobedience.

That’s their choice.

You have to make the choice to continue in obedience, no matter how Cain may try to attack.

When you’re obeying the Lord, it doesn’t matter what anyone else says. Sometimes, in pleasing God, you displease others.

They are not your standard.

The One who went to Calvary for you is your standard.

Obedience will always enrage those who try to camouflage disobedience as some great sacrifice to the Lord.

Keep doing right.

Trust and obey.

Even if the whole world around you chooses disobedience, you keep obeying.

Please God.

Not Cain.

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