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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Casual Christians

Mark 14:10

“And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went unto the chief priests, to betray him unto them.”

Casual- relaxed, unconcerned, not regular, not permanent, accidental.

Did I just describe your relationship to spiritual things? It’s easy to allow Jesus to become a casual thing to us.

Maybe you’re too used to his presence.

Judas was.

He walked with Jesus daily, yet treated it casually, he was never involved, never concerned.

You never see him rejoicing over miracles performed right before his eyes. You never see him trying to be close to Jesus. He simply hovered in the background, because this was a casual part of his life. He got to travel around and knew his needs would be met. He benefited from those who wanted to walk with Jesus, and be close to him. He looked like the ones who walked with Jesus. But he simply was there, he had no actual intention of being serious about walking with Jesus.

He walked in the presence of Jesus, and in the end, casually gave him up for 30 pieces of silver.

No one was watching that day he met the leaders of the Jews and made the arrangement to betray Jesus. The other disciples were probably used to Judas being absent from his place. So, his absence when he met to discuss the 30 pieces of silver, wasn’t unusual.

Treat spiritual things casually, and you’ll cross lines that you never thought you would.

Are you used to the presence of Jesus?

Are you treating him and his word casually?

Is your attendance to his house casual?

Are your standards casual?

Are you only walking around with those who follow Jesus so that you can be associated with him?

Casual Christians do not get to the mount of transfiguration with Jesus. Casual Christians don’t go to gethsemane with Jesus. Casual Christians, are satisfied with being left out of those moments, all they are concerned about is looking the part.

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