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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Choosing sin is choosing unanswered prayers

Isaiah 59:2

“But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.”

Unrepentant sin will hide the face of God from you.

He cannot look upon sin.

So when you choose sin, you choose unanswered prayer.

When you choose sin, you choose to grieve the Holy Spirit.

What happens when he is grieved and limited?

Souls aren’t saved.

People can’t get the healing they need.

Children go astray.

Once anchored people fall prey to seducing spirits.

All because of choosing sin over the Lord.

Do you see the gravity of having his face hid from us?

We are sending people into Christless eternities because we are too in love with our sin.

We are holding back healing from broken hearts, because we would rather hold on to our sin.

Parents wait for prodigals to come home, and we hold them hostage in the hog pen because we love our sin.

When God’s face is hidden?

It negatively affects everyone and everything your life touches.

What sin in your life is worth such a cost?

What is so worth living unrepentant?

When Jesus died on Calvary, the Father turned his face away because he cannot look upon sin.

Don’t hide his face after all that Jesus already went through!

Choosing sin over fellowship with the Lord will affect many lives other than your own.

God can’t hear or see a heart that is choosing to live unrepentantly.

Repentance isn’t a bad word, it’s often the start of restoration!

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