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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Comfort kills

John 17:17

“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”

“It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error. It is better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals, than falsehood that comforts and then kills.”

-Adrian Rogers

I am constantly hearing people say things along the lines of “well, you’re creating division.”


I’m standing on what’s true.

I am not creating excuses for those who want nothing more than to stir the pot. And yes, you are to speak the truth in love.

But even truth spoken in love, sounds a lot like hate to those who are looking for comfort.

There is no healing in comfort.

Comfort kills.

Truth isn’t comfortable.

And I will not side with you against truth.

And if the truth divides us, because you desire comfort over truth?

So be it.

I must continue to stand on truth.

Comfort is sinking sand.

Truth will divide.

And it may sting, it may hurt.

But if you will continue to choose truth, denying yourself of the fleshly desire of comfort, truth will be a healing balm to you.

I know that we don’t like the confrontation that comes with truth. I know our flesh hates to be different, separated, DIVIDED.

But comfortable conformity is a spiritual death sentence. I will not sacrifice my Bible to well liked, or popular with you.

I will not sacrifice God’s word to keep myself comfortable, safe, and off the radar.

Truth is freeing.

Truth is a foundation.

Truth is unchanging.

Truth is greater than fear and doubt.

Truth is cleansing.

Yes, truth is dividing.

But we weren’t called to live like everyone else.

We are called to be separate. We are called to be sanctified. We are called to walk in his steps.

And you cannot walk in his steps if you’re more concerned with comfort and conformity.

You will not walk in his steps if you’re worried about stepping on someone else’s toes.

Truth divides, but that divide makes clear our need for a Savior. And that is a line that I would never want to blur.

I choose truth.

Not comfort.

I choose truth.

Not your feelings, my feelings, or anyone’s feelings.

Truth above all else.

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