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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Cumbered or Communing

But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.

cumbered-to drag all around, to distract with care

I’ve heard Mary and Martha mentioned on repeat for the past few weeks.

When I hear something so repeatedly, I am on a higher alert than normal, because I don’t want to miss what I’m supposed to see.

Martha was so overwhelmed with her serving, her to-do list, that she was dragging it around. She couldn’t hold onto it all, she was having to drag it. She was dragging around everything that she was accomplishing in herself, hoping that it would make up for the time she was missing at his feet. But what happens when you drag something? You risk the quality, because most things are damaged when they’re drug. And it also lets us know that it’s simply too heavy or the individual is too weary to do anything but drag it.

Martha’s weight that she was cumbered by, not only kept her from the feet of Christ, but it effected how she spoke.

She began accusing Mary for her lack of service, instead of recognizing that Mary was choosing the good part, and recognizing that she needed to take time at his feet too.

She began even talking down to Jesus, fussing at him for not calling Mary to serve more.

Being cumbered will effect your fellowship with the Lord.

You will serve if you love him.

But you will choose his feet FIRST.

No amount of service will ever make up for that.

Have you felt yourself dragging, no joy in the things you have on your plate? You’re just doing then because it’s your duty? When is the last time you just spent some time at his feet?

Or are you so cumbered that you’re dragging everything around? When you’re cumbered, get at his feet, lay what’s too heavy for you down.

Your life may be full of good things, good service, good intentions. But if it’s keeping you from his feet, it has the potential to cumber you and make you bitter.

Are you cumbered or communing at his feet?

No amount of service will ever make up for a lack of choosing the good part.

Cumbered or communing? The choice is yours.

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