There was never a day I didn’t feel your love.
You need to know that.
I know you loved me and still do.
I felt it every time I heard your heart beat.
Mama, I love you right back.
So much.
Thank you for giving me life.
Even if it was short.
Because I loved getting to be loved.
And I loved getting to love you.
Mama, when I opened my eyes, there was nothing but light. It’s beautiful.
I’ve never felt safer.
Jesus holds me close, I never have to wait in line.
He tells me about why he knit me together, even for such a short time, and how he is using me, even though you no longer carry me.
He had a purpose.
He had a reason.
And it’s so beautiful, mama.
And you’ll see it clearly one day soon.
All I’ve ever known is love, light, peace, warmth, safety.
And I can’t wait to meet you and share this beautiful place with you.
I love you, mama.
There is no better mama than you!
The one carried for a moment