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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Do you have a submission problem?

James 4:7

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

Are you discouraged or do you have a submission problem?

That’s a stinging question to have to ask yourself.

But many times, we blame our struggles on the wrong person.

We talk about the devil attacking relentlessly, yet we refuse to follow the clear steps laid out in scripture.

Submit, resist, and he will flee. We expect him to flee without submission.

So, I’ll ask again, is the devil really attacking as hot as you say? Or do you have a submission problem?

He will flee.

If you submit and resist.

Halfway obedience will never cause the enemy to flee. He will just sink his talons in deeper because he delights in disobedience, it feeds him.

Most of the time, our issues stem from disobedience, because we don’t want to submit.

Are you ready to obey and see victory? Or do you want to continue and feed the enemy and make him stronger because of your disobedience?

What kind of victory could you see if you simply followed his word, in obedience, and submitted?

You will never be successful in resisting until you submit!

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