Jesus didn’t chase fleeting dreams; He walked the path of obedience, fulfilling a destiny etched in eternity—a destiny that led Him to the cross.
You were his dream.
He didn’t labor to craft a life of comfort or ease; instead, He surrendered His life completely for those He loved, a love deeper than words can hold.
He didn’t accumulate wealth or seek the security of material freedom. The Creator of all had no home of His own, no place to rest His head.
He didn’t shy away from life’s discomforts but embraced them, becoming acquainted with grief. He was a man of sorrows, bearing the weight of the world’s brokenness, yet choosing to be the light that pierced the deepest darkness.
So we must ask ourselves: do we truly long to become like Christ?
Or have we settled for a domesticated Savior, one who fits neatly into our desires for comfort, success, and safety?
To follow Christ is not to chase the world’s applause but to live a life poured out in love.
It is to walk the narrow road of sacrifice, to bear the burdens of others, to shine light in the shadows, and to find beauty in surrender.
Let us not seek to tame Him but to reflect Him, not to reshape Him to fit our lives but to reshape our lives to fit His example.
