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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Don’t neglect the ministry you were given

Ruth 1:20

“And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me.”

The Lord dealt bitterly with Naomi.

It was her idea to leave the will of God and go to Moab. And it cost her dearly.

Every time a woman usurps that authority, and tries to lead the home, the outcome is never desirable.

How did she talk Elimelech into leaving Bethlehem? Did she nag him to death? Did she argue? Did she threaten to leave him if he didn’t see things her way? There’s no way their home was a happy place with Naomi choosing to try to wear the pants of that family.

Her sons died out of the will of God, because of her. Her husband died out of the will of God because of her.

She lost so much because of the choice to push her husband to submit to HER.

Any time you choose to change the chain of command that the Lord designed, you run the risk of pushing your entire family into Moab, and out of the will of God. It’s never just a “little” rebellion. It’s never just a “little” stubbornness. It’s never just a “little” disrespect or pride.

All of those things are HUGE in the eyes of the Lord because they go DIRECTLY against the family design that he created. They go DIRECTLY against his word.

And that’s never a “little” thing.

The Lord had to deal bitterly with Naomi before he could use her. And I never want MY choices to force the chastening hand of the Lord. My role is so important, and so powerful. If I steward it well, it’s a full time job. My roles face neglect when I try to fill a role that wasn’t mine to fill in the first place. Don’t neglect the ministry you were given to try to fulfill one that was never meant for you.

God’s design is always best🤍

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