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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Faithful in the hidden places

For years, from the age of twelve until thirty-three, Jesus walked through the unnoticed spaces of life—working with His hands, shaping wood, living in the quiet of Nazareth. No crowds followed Him, no miracles were recorded, yet every simple day as the carpenter’s son was steeped in faithfulness. Each strike of the hammer, each kind word spoken to a neighbor, every quiet act of obedience was an offering to the Father, as precious as the miracles that were yet to come.

Though the world hadn’t yet seen His glory, the Father’s eyes never wavered. And in those silent years, the heavens were already filled with delight, so that when Jesus finally stepped into public ministry, the Father could say, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” He wasn’t waiting for the water to turn into wine or for Lazarus to rise from the tomb to feel this joy—it had been there all along, in every moment of unseen faithfulness.

So when your days feel quiet, when there are no great miracles or crowds to witness your efforts, do not grow discouraged. The Father sees you, and your faithfulness in the hidden places is as precious to Him as the most visible acts of service. Just as Jesus' silent years were full of purpose, your quiet seasons are just as valuable. Do not despise the small beginnings, for they are the seeds of something holy. In the stillness, you are beloved. In the quiet, the Father is well pleased.🤍

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