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Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Glad for your sake

John 11:14-15

“Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.

And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may believe; nevertheless let us go unto him.”

Jesus said He knew Lazarus was gone.

Yet He was glad—glad for our sake.

Glad for your sake.

Glad for mine.


So that when we find ourselves shattered,

when grief clings to us like a shadow,

when loneliness whispers that we’ve been forgotten,

we could turn to this moment and see—

Jesus wept.

He wept.

The Savior of the world, standing at the edge of a miracle,

paused to grieve.

Paused to feel.

Paused to weep with those who weep.

He was glad, because He knew.

He knew His tears would one day comfort yours.

He knew His broken heart would become the balm for your wounds.

He chose the ache, the weight, the sorrow—

so He could carry yours.

What a Savior.

What a Redeemer.

What a Friend.

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