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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

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Jeremiah 6:16

 “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.”

Today everyone will make goals and resolutions.

By next week, half of those resolutions will already have fell through.

By next month, many of those goals will be pushed to the back burner.

Growth is beautiful, and necessary.

But what if you chose to go backwards this year?

Back to prayer and fasting.

Back to studying his word.

Back to believing he can and will.

Back to holiness.

Back to being okay with rocking the boat.

Back to old fashioned.

Back to slow.

Back to simple.

Back to bold.

Back to truth, even if it’s unpopular.

Back to standing, even if you must do so alone.

Sometimes, we get wrapped up in the world around us, a world that’s telling us that old isn’t good enough, you must get a newer model.

Old isn’t able to do the job anymore, we must alter it, change bibles, change songs, change clothes, change pastors…and if the church doesn’t want to change with us, we will leave and blast them on social media for giving us something to recover from.

Old doesn’t mean out of date.

Old means tried and true.

Old means faithful.

Times may be changing, but God has not.

His blood as lost no power and doesn’t need “revamping.”

His book is STILL true, and doesn’t need to be watered down to make it more palatable.

He is STILL holy, and doesn’t need to be brought down to “my level.”

While the world is telling you to turn over a new leaf, do NEW things, make changes, and leave the old behind….there are some old things that I’m going to cling to.

While everyone runs out to chase the new, I’m going to fall back into the arms of the One who is faithful and true.

My goals for this year aren’t to go forward or start something new.

They’re to go BACK.

Back to the old paths.

Back to revival being real and not just a series of meetings.

Back to responsibility.

Back to accountability.

I have nothing to recover from.

The Old Paths have done nothing but bring me joy. I’m thankful that new isn’t always best.

You can have all that, I’ll just stick with the old!

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