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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

God never called her Mara

Ruth 1:29

“And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me.”

God never called Naomi by anything other than Naomi. He never gave in to her request to be called something other than she was.

She asked to be identified by what she had been through, and God refused.

No one called her Mara, even those around her in Bethlehem.

She wanted her heartbreak to be her identity. She wanted everyone to know it when they called her name.

But God did not honor that request.

He created her to be Naomi, she may have faced some bitter things, but that didn’t mean Mara needed to be her identity.

He created her to be Naomi, not Mara.

He didn’t create you to be identified by what you’ve walked through. He created you to be who he wanted you to be, and use what you’ve been through to help someone else.

He will never identify you by what you’ve been through, because he sees the beginning, the middle, and the end. He will always call you by your name not your wounds.

He was wounded for you, he became man of sorrows, so you wouldn’t ever have to be identified by yours!

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