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Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Handfuls of Purpose

Ruth 2:16

“And let fall also some of the handfuls of purpose for her, and leave them, that she may glean them, and rebuke her not.”

Handfuls of purpose.

Just extras.

Just because “I love you.”

Ruth had to have recognized that those handfuls on purpose were, indeed, ON PURPOSE for her.

She had been cleaning faithfully, she knew what amount to expect. But that day that she encountered those handfuls, I wonder if she said something?

“Excuse me, there’s quite a bit of extra grain over here, I think someone went through this section too fast.”

“The master of the field told us to leave those for you, specifically. They’re yours. Keep up the good work.”

The Master of the field had taken notice of her?

He saw her labors?

He saw everything she was giving to try to be faithful?

I’m sure the work wasn’t as heavy that day, because she realized that she was not overlooked.

Look at all this extra, just for her, just because He could.

And this was only the beginning.

It wouldn’t be long until she owned that field.

The Master of the field sees your labor too.

You’re not overlooked.

Look at the handfuls on purpose just for today.

You can go from gleaning in the field to owning the field very quickly, so just stay faithful.

Just keep gleaning.

He sees.

Every little handful on purpose is a reminder that he loves you.

He is a God of “more.”

Of “extras.”

Not just enough.

He won’t overlook you.

Keep gleaning, stay faithful .

The Master of the field is watching.

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