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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

He calls the stars by name

God, in His infinite wisdom, named each and every star, placing them in the heavens with a precision only He could conceive. He knows where each one rests, how they glow, and it matters deeply to Him that they shine just as He intended. With a flick of His hand, He flung them into the vast canvas of the heavens, and though they may seem small compared to the splendor of the planets, they are just as beloved, just as vital in their purpose. Yet, how much more does He treasure you? If He holds the stars in His heart, how much more precious are you in His sight? He knows your name with more tenderness than the stars above. He hears every sigh, every whispered longing of your soul, and He holds them with care. The stars may sparkle in the night, but your light is brighter still to the One who crafted it all. How intimately He knows you, sees you, and loves you beyond measure. If he catches each star when they fall, how could he not also catch your tears. Yes, he is so mindful of you. He didn’t send His Son to save the stars, he sent his Son to redeem YOU🤍

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