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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

He carried that

Isaiah 53:4

“Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.”

The sorrow that struck you without warning?

He already carried it for you.

It’s already under the blood.

He carried it up Calvary, alone, so you wouldn’t have to.

It’s so heavy…you didn’t know if you could get up this morning with the weight that sits in your chest.

You don’t have to carry it.

It’s already been carried.

Give it back to him.

The grief that presses you, that smothers you, that consumes your mind.

He bore the weight of that already.

So you wouldn’t have to.

He knew how your heart would shatter.

He knew that you would have to walk through your own gethsemane. So he bore your grief too.

So that when grief presses you into the dust, you could worship there too.

Dear one, he already carried that.

All of that.

Give it back to him.

It was never yours to carry.

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