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He holds me

Psalms 139:10

“Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.”

When you teach a child writing, you hold its hand while it forms the letters: that is, it forms the letters because you are forming them.

We love and reason because God loves and reasons and holds our hand while we do it.

- C.S. Lewis

It’s hard to learn to do things.

It’s hard to make your hand form around a pencil the first time. It’s hard to make your brain wrap around the curves and loops that you must form, to make letters.

But when someone holds your hand, their fingers around yours, guiding, holding steady…things aren’t so hard, they aren’t so overwhelming.

The Lord is the same way.

He knows how overwhelming it is, the things you’re facing. Yet he knows what you’ll learn on the other side. So he holds your hand, he teaches you, he gently guides, he holds you steady.

He never leaves you to fumble along alone.

He has a purpose for every curve and loop.

He will guide you.

He will not leave you to walk alone.

Even here, his hand holds you. He faced total darkness and was totally forsaken at Calvary, so you would never have to walk alone.

He holds your hand, and he won’t lose his grip!f

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