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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

He is mindful of me

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

It’s easy to think you’ve been forgotten when you’re discouraged.

That’s a tool the enemy loves to use, he loves to plant the seed in your mind that God has somehow done you wrong.

If God has done you wrong, you will be the first.

And he will not break his perfect record to fail you.

You are on his mind, his thoughts are on you.

He’s not waiting up there for you to mess up, so he can zap you.

He’s thinking thoughts about you for your good. Of peace, of an expected end.

You are the thoughts of a thrice holy God and you wonder if he cares?

What is he thinking of you today? What is he planning?

How is he wanting to move in your life and use your story? He is thinking thoughts of you, of blessing you, thoughts of peace. What a comfort it is to know, that no Matter how deeply my heart is troubled, he is thinking of me, he is working, he has not overlooked me because I have never left his mind.

You are his.

He knit you together in your mother’s womb.

And he uses his time, to think on you.

How deeply he cares!

How many times have we tried to not think of things that might trouble us?

Yet the Lord is always thinking of you.

Even though you’ve made mistakes and fallen short. He is STILL thinking of you

You have not left his mind or heart.

He hasn’t overlooked you, he couldn’t, because you’ve never once left his mind!

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