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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

He is never late

When Jesus received word that Mary and Martha had sent for him, he tarried.

He knew what he would do.

He knew that his “delay” would bring the Father the most glory.

But he also knew that there would be pain involved for all of them. Maybe that’s one reason why he wept at the tomb.

Because he knew how broken and forsaken they felt, because he had tarried, he felt that grief, but he also knew he was about to do something bigger than they had ever dreamed.

His plan is always more.

It’s always greater, grander, and more beautiful.

There was pain involved, but the weeping truly endured for the night and joy came in the morning.

Beauty came for ashes, just like he had promised.

Mary and Martha wept, they grieved, they felt left out and overlooked, and all the while he was working a bigger miracle for them than their hearts could imagine.

Though he tarries, he has not forgotten you.

Though your heart breaks, he will not leave you in ashes. Delay is not denial.

Is he truly ever late?

Four days late, was by Mary and Martha’s standards. But by his timing, he was perfectly on time.

No one chides the flower if it is slow to bloom.

No one mocks a cloud as it makes its way, slowly, across the sky.

No one scrutinizes the waves as they wash up on the shore, some coming farther than others, some crashing against the sand, others smoothly moving.

You are not behind, he is has not tarried so long that you will never see the miracles.

You will be right on time, because he is.

He is never late.

Though the wait may be painful, and your heart may break, but the miracle will be more than you could’ve ever prayed for.

Jesus is not late.

You are not denied.

His promises are true.

The miracle is coming, you will not be weeping at the tomb forever. He will be right on time, he has never been late, and you are not forgotten.

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