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He knows

Writer's picture: Sarah TrentSarah Trent

Jesus was in agony in the garden.

In Matthew, he was in such anguish that he fell.

He couldn’t stand under the weight of what was ahead of him anymore.

In Luke, his sweat became as great drops of blood, a rare medical condition that occurs in individuals under extreme stress.

He knows what it feels like to be crushed under the weight of things in this life. He knows what it’s like to be broken. He knows what it’s like to ask the Lord for another way, for the cup to pass from him.

And he knows what it’s like when the Lord doesn’t remove the bitter cup.

He knows how heavy things can be.

He fell under the weight of what was before him.

He knows.

He knows how your flesh recoils at the bitter cup.

He knows.

He is touched with the feeling of your infirmities.

He walked alone in Gethsemane, no one else seemed to understand the weight he was under.

His friends, his disciples, his inner circle, slept as his sweat became blood.

He knows your heart.

But because of this weight he was under, because of Calvary, we are continually reaping benefits. Gethsemane and Calvary are beautiful to us because of salvation.

And your Gethsemane will not be without purpose.

He knows the weight you’re under.

And he will not leave you there.

But even if this bitter cup doesn’t pass from you, know that he is interceding for you.


Because he knows.



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