When Mary gave birth in a stable, and her body was weak and worn from laboring to bring Jesus into the world, she couldn’t hear the angels singing, “Glory to God” to the shepherds.
She didn’t hear, “Peace on earth, good will to men.” She didn’t see the heavenly host in worship.
She didn’t doubt that the Lord had sent this baby to save the world. But she didn’t see all of miraculous beauties that came to pass that night. She was in the middle of a miracle, and didn’t know.
Jairus’ 12 year old daughter was dying, and the crowd noised that Jesus was near as he journeyed to the house of Jairus, and the woman with the issue of blood needed a miracle, that little girl didn’t know she was in the middle of a miracle. She just knew she needed a miracle. She didn’t see the crowd that thronged Jesus, she didn’t see the rejoicing of the woman who healed. She just knew she needed to be healed.
When the disciples searched the crowd for food, trying to feed 5,000 people, and a little boy offered his tiny lunch, that little boy had no idea that he was in the middle of a miracle.
All he knew was that he was willing to give up the only thing he had if it would be useful to Jesus. He had no idea that his story would be retold over and over again because of the mighty miracle that came to pass.
There is instance after instance in scripture where things looked bad, or things looked hopeless, or people felt alone, or they gave all they had and didn’t know if it would be rewarded.
But a few verses later, those people discovered they were in the middle of a miracle.
You may not see the angelic host, singing before the shepherds. You may not see the woman healed by the hem of his garment on his way to you. You may give up your basket and have no idea how many people it’s going to feed.
It may look dark right now.
You may not see much hope.
You may feel overlooked and forgotten.
You may feel like everyone else is getting a miracle while you’re fighting for every moment.
But you just might be in the middle of a miracle, and not be able to see it yet.
Don’t give up.
Sometimes we can’t see that we might be in the middle of a miracle.