I bring Him my deaths, and He breathes into me His life—boundless, eternal, and full of hope.
I lay down my sorrows, He gives me His joy—radiant, unshakable, a melody that lifts my weary heart.
I surrender my losses, each tear-soaked piece of me, and He fills my hands with His gains—treasures that no thief can steal, riches that never fade.
This is the wondrous exchange of the cross:
My ashes for His beauty,
My mourning for His gladness,
My despair for His peace.
In the shadow of the cross, we find not just redemption but resurrection.
Here, even our deepest wounds are met with healing, and our emptiness is filled to overflowing.
What grace, what mercy, that He would take all we cannot bear and give us all that we could never earn.
This is the heartbeat of His love, the eternal promise that transforms every trial into triumph, every ending into a new beginning.