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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Is the Lord Grieved in Your Home?

Proverbs 21:19

It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.�

Contentious-discord, strife, to seek to rule, argumentative, to judge

Angry- wrath, to be spiteful, to cause sorrow

It’s better to have no home at all, than to dwell with a woman with these qualities. And what does that tell us? That the wife, makes a house a home…and when she chooses contention and anger, she hinders her house from being home…making it better for a man to dwell in a wilderness than with her.

You set the tone for your home.

Contention, anger, the desire to “rule,” those are things that come naturally to us in this fallen world. Denying those natural attitudes, takes effort and discipline.

Which is why so many homes are such unhappy places. Because it’s easier to let the flesh reign than it is to deny it.

The wilderness is quite literally a desert. Nothing grows there, it’s dry, you can’t flourish there. But this is a better place for your husband to dwell than with you when you’re choosing contention and anger.

When a home is plagued by a contentious woman, there is no peace, there’s no joy, and the Lord isn’t present…he’s grieved.

And it’s better to be in a wilderness where the Lord isn’t grieved, than a home where the Lord can’t move because of sin.

Yes, sin.

Contention and anger are sin, no matter how you seek to justify it. And God can’t use or move in a home that is grieved by sin.

You get to set the tone for your home.

You get to choose if the Lord is grieved on your account. You get to choose if your home is a house, or a safe place.

Are you grieving the Lord because of your choice to indulge the flesh with your anger an contention?

Sin is still sin, no matter how you try to cover it.

I don’t want to stand before the Lord one day, and him show me all the things he wanted to do within my home, but couldn’t because he was grieved by my sin.

Anger and contention can be subtle, and sneak in. Guard your heart, guard your home. Let the Lord reign. Deny your flesh.

Don’t grieve the Lord from moving in your home.

Don’t stand before the Lord one day and answer for all that could’ve been, but wasn’t because you let sin in!

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