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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent


Jochebed, Jehovah is her glory.

Jochebed, wife of Amram, mother of Aaron, Miriam, and Moses.

Jochebed, the woman who did not comply.

Jochebed, who kept Pharaoh from her home. She may not have seen deliverance herself, but she raised children who would lead an entire nation to freedom.

The Hebrew word for glory means “weight or heaviness” as in respect, awe, honor, distinction, majesty.

Jehovah means “I am the one who is.”

When Moses, Jochebed’s son, was in the desert, he was told to tell Pharaoh that “The I AM” had sent him.

And Jochebed had taught Moses all about the I AM that she was named for, as she hid him from Pharaoh’s guards that sought to kill the innocent. She told him all about the I AM as she nursed him for Pharaoh’s daughter.

She prayed to the I AM over him.

She prayed that the I AM would use her children.

Jehovah was her glory. He was what anchored her.

The I AM that had been her glory all her life, would be the I AM that found Moses in the wilderness. And Moses knew I AM because that same I AM had been present in his mother’s life.

Had Jehovah not been her glory, would Moses have known the I AM when he spoke to him?

Would he have known to take his shoes off because it was holy ground?

Would he have obeyed?

Would he have had the courage to defy the most powerful country on earth (at the time) had Jochebed not whispered of the I AM to him all those days in hiding, all the times she nursed him?

Would Aaron have been the voice for Moses, had he not seen Jehovah as his mother’s glory, her anchor, what gave her confidence and courage?

Would Miriam have lead a nation to worship after the Red Sea, had she not been worshipping alongside her mother all those years?

If you took Jochebed out of the equation…how would the story have played out?

Jochebed rebelled against an evil government.

When she was told to sacrifice her children, and everyone around her complied, she fought back.

Jehovah was her glory, her anchor, she did not fear pharaoh. The entire army of Egypt was on her doorstep, and she still stood in between her children and a direct command.

She made Jehovah the glory of her home.

Her children were familiar with the I AM, so when he called them, they knew without a doubt who spoke to them.

Is Jehovah the glory of your home?

Will your children know the voice of the I AM because of you?

Does your husband find rest in a wife anchored in the Lord?

Exodus 3:14 - And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

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