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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Keeper of YOUR home

Titus 2:5

“ To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”

Keepers at home.

Keeper of YOUR home.

You weren’t called to keep a friend’s home.

You weren’t called to keep the preacher’s home.

You weren’t called to keep anyone’s house but yours.

While you try to keep everyone else’s home, your home is neglected. Your husband goes uncared for you, your children go unattended.

While you’re trying to fix someone else’s home, yours is unguarded.

When you’re trying to gate keep for someone else’s home, your gate is wide open.

As women, we are SO GOOD at trying to fix others. We think that we can can keep someone else’s home AND our own. That’s why most unsolicited advice and snarky comments come from women.

Our own homes go without the care, prayer, joy, and love that it craves because we are devoting ourselves to keeping a home that isn’t ours to keep.

What’s the state of your home?

Is your husband neglected because of your insistence on keeping a home that isn’t yours?

Are your children suffering because you’re trying to keep a home that isn’t yours?

Is the gate to your home wide open, allowing the enemy to freely destroy what the Lord has given, because you think you need to “help” guard another gate?

Children grow up in Christian homes, yet stay unsaved when mamas don’t keep their own home.

Husbands leave the work force to come home to a war zone when their wives try to keep other homes.

Families are robbed of joy when the keeper of the home is keeping other homes.

“You can’t blame everything on the woman!”

No. Of course not.

But, as a keeper of the home, a gate keeper, you shoulder a hefty responsibility.

This is your first responsibility.


Not someone else’s.

Care for what you’ve been given first.

If your cup runs over, you can use the run off to minister to others, NOT KEEP THEIR HOME.

Your first ministry, your first job, the only gate you should be guarding and keeping is yours.

You have such a responsibility, guard it well.

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