Some of you would have stood at the edge of the battlefield, whispering among yourselves, urging David to let it go. Don’t stir up trouble, just leave Goliath be.
Some of you would have turned your faces away, pretending not to hear the giant’s taunts, hoping that if David ignored him long enough, he might simply disappear.
Some of you would have chastised him, telling him to put down his sling, to walk away and pray instead—that facing this giant head-on wasn’t spiritual.
Some of you would have twisted scripture, wielding it like a dull blade, trying to guilt David into compassion for the one who blasphemed the name of the Most High.
And some of you—afraid of conflict, afraid of being misunderstood, afraid of being called intolerant—would have stood in David’s way, a stumbling block to one of the greatest victories ever written.
But David—unshaken, unafraid, and full of zeal for the name of the Lord—did not cower. He did not reason with evil. He did not tremble beneath the weight of public opinion.
No, he ran toward the giant.
With steady hands, pulled out a single stone, and let it fly.
And by the power of the Living God, the giant fell.
The battle was not won through passivity. It was not won by silence. It was not won by compromise or some toxic empathy.
It was won because David acted. Because he refused to tolerate what defied the holiness of God. Because he knew that righteousness is not timid, that faith is not fragile, that truth is not afraid.
And so, I ask you—when the giants rise and the world pleads for your silence, where will you stand? Will you shrink back, hoping the battle will pass you by? Or will you rise, sling in hand, and run toward the fight, knowing that the Lord Himself goes before you? The battle is not yours, but the Lord’s, and he has never lost.
So rise, and stand.
Victory is yours.
