I’m sure the inn keeper wished he had found room that night.
When the shepherds came running, breathless from their haste and encounter with the heavenly host, did the innkeeper follow them to the stable to see what the fuss was about?
Did he see Jesus in the manger?
Did his heart drop when he realized that he, too, might’ve seen the angels if he had made room?
Did he know that he had refused a room to the Messiah?
Years later, did he see Jesus as he worked a miracle and realize, “oh my, I closed my door to miracles.”
Did that choice to close his door to Mary and Joseph that night, haunt him?
“Let every heart, prepare him room, and heaven and nature sings…”
Could the inn keeper have made room?
Could he have moved something out to make room? Could he have given up his own room?
Maybe he was in the crowd that thronged Jesus that day, and the woman with the issue of blood was healed. And when he realized Jesus was that baby in the stable, this miracle working man, and he had laid in a manger because he had no room…
If that inn keeper ever realized who Jesus was, and who he had kept out of his home, I’m sure it broke his heart.
Has your heart prepared him room?
Or are you like the inn keeper, NO ROOM, NO VACANCY?
If you’re too crowded for Jesus, then it’s time to clean house.
Don’t wait until you see miracles in other people’s lives to realize who you refused to make room for.
Don’t wait until he’s no longer looking for room, to make room.
The star, the angels, all the worship…that in keeper would’ve gotten to witness firsthand, in his business, in his home.
But he chose the manger for Jesus, instead of preparing him room.
Let every heart, prepare him room…this is where joy is found.