2 Corinthians 11:14
“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”
There is a difference between light and the Lord. There is a difference between fire, and smoke.
If you think that light equals God and his will, you’ll find yourself doing things that surprise even you, because you are just following light and assuming that it’s of God.
Following light, with no discernment, can be the same as following after darkness. Following after light just looks good, it looks like you’re doing right, and everyone just assumes it’s of God because it’s not dark.
Light doesn’t equal of God.
Light doesn’t equal truth.
The devil can deceive, cloaking it in light, so that people think “oh, this has to be God.” And he is leading them AWAY from God. People will live their whole lives for light, and think they’ve done something great, only to discover that living for light doesn’t equal living for the Lord.
Do you know the Lord?
Or are you chasing light?
Discernment is knowing the difference between right and almost right. And that’s where the enemy loves to dwell, in the almost right. He loves to call people towards light, deceiving. He loves to make it look like God, because it’s light. But, in the enemy’s light, there are no standards. There is no doctrine. There is clear definition of sin.
There’s just light, and the whisper of deceit that says that light is right, light is enough, light equals sent of God.
And people chase after the light because light doesn’t change them, it doesn’t cost them, and they enjoy the lie that light equals God.
It can look good.
It can sound good.
It can be many things and still not be God.
Don’t chase light.
Make sure you know GOD.
There’s a difference.
There is THE Light, and there is light.
Sharpen your discernment.
If it’s not biblical but it’s light, it’s not of God.
If it sounds like the world but the lyrics talk about light, it’s not of God.
If it looks like worship, but involves things that God says is SIN, it’s the worship of light, not the worship of God.
This world is hungry for light.
I want to hunger after the Lord.
There’s a difference.