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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Merry Christmas

The shepherds.


Lowest class.



Prohibited from even being a witness in court, yet chosen to witness and be the mouthpiece of the beginning of the greatest story ever told.

Unwanted by man, chosen by God.

Chosen to see the heavenly host.

Chosen to see the babe, born of a virgin, laying in a manger.

Chosen to spread tidings of great joy to all people.

As they looked into the manger, did they realize they were looking at THE Lamb?

Surely they did.

They raised the sacrificial lambs. They could easily spot one that was PURE and without blemish.

When they looked into the face of the Savior, surely they knew…this was the last Lamb. The sacrifices would soon cease because this baby’s last cry would tear the veil.

They would be free to enter the temple because of this Lamb.

They would be washed clean, because of this Lamb.

They would be loved, chosen, wanted for all eternity because of this spotless Lamb.

What a Savior!

This Lamb is why we celebrate today.

This Lamb is worthy.

O come all ye unfaithful and unwanted…this Lamb has come, let us adore him.

Merry Christmas 🤍

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