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Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Merry Christmas, baby of mine

A letter to my baby in heaven, at Christmas…

I’m sure it’s beautiful.

I don’t know if heaven is decorated, and if the Christmas lights reflect off the streets of gold. But I have no doubt it’s breathtaking.

Breathtaking because you are there, and you shine because you’ve been in his presence, at his feet.

Have the shepherds, that came to the manger that night, told you their story? I’m sure they have sat you on their knee and told you all of the heavenly host that appeared to them, and how they knew that the baby in the manger would save us all.

Has Mary come and held you, and told you of the days she spent cradling Jesus? Has she told you how deeply she loves him, and how I love you the same, because you’re part of me?

Has Joseph stopped to tell you of the journey to Bethlehem and how the Lord was so faithful to fulfill his every word to the tiniest detail?

Has Gabriel held your hand as you walked through glory, and told you about the day he visited Mary and told her of Jesus and how he would save us from sin?

Have you been held in the arms of the Savior, and he told you of how he knew, from his first cry, that he was born to die. Born to die so you would have that beautiful place to go when you too, died.

I’m sure Christmas there is beautiful.

I’m sure if I could see what you saw, I wouldn’t grieve your empty stocking so deeply.

I’m sure if I too could hear the voice of the Savior so clearly, as he told of the manger, the stable, the shepherds, the star…I wouldn’t grieve your empty place at the table so deeply.

I’m sure if I heard the praises echoing across the walls of jasper, I would shed fewer tears and rejoice for you more, rather than grieve for me.

I miss you.

I hung an ornament for you.

Your stocking is still hung.

I wish I could see your little face in the glow of the Christmas tree.

But I would never ask you to trade places.

Christmas is all about Jesus, and your face to face with him.

So, Merry Christmas, dear one.

May I focus on the One who came to give us a home in heaven, because he is all your little eyes see.

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