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Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Miracles wait for those who reach

Not everyone was healed when Jesus walked this earth, but everyone who sought Him found their miracle.

The broken, the weary, the desperate—

they crawled through dust,

pressed through throngs,

gave all they had to be near Him.

They knew He was their only hope.

And yet, some stood still.

They needed healing,

but pride kept them from bowing low.

Fear kept them from reaching out.

Can you imagine the ache in their hearts,

watching others restored,

forever wondering, “What if I had gone to Him? What if I had reached out?”

What dreams, what wholeness,

might He have brought into their lives,

if only they had come?

Not because He lacked power—no,

but because they never took the step.

What about you?

What is Jesus longing to restore in you?

What healing, what breakthrough,

lies just beyond your willingness to surrender?

Don’t let pride keep you in the shadows.

Don’t let hesitation hold you captive.

Crawl if you must,

push through every obstacle,

give everything to touch the hem of His garment.

Because Jesus heals all who come to Him.

Don’t sit idly by with a “bless me if You can” heart.

Get desperate.

Get bold.

Because the miracle awaits for those who dare to reach.

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