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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent


Miriam, sister of Moses and Aaron.

Miriam, daughter of Amram and Jochebed.

Miriam, a leader in the nation of Israel.

She stirred the nation to praise.

She also stirred up an entire nation to murmur and complain.

She stirred up rebellion against God’s divinely appointed authority.

She was used.

But how she was used depended on who she let rule her heart.

We are the same.

We have so much potential.

To stir up worship, in everyone we’re around.

Or stir rebellion.

We don’t like the word rebellion, because most of us are VERY guilty. When Miriam murmured and complained, that was rebellion.

When she conspired against God appointed leadership, that was rebellion.

When she spoke against God’s man, that was rebellion.

Many of us are guilty of these things daily.

We murmur and complain, and are raising a generation of complainers because of our constant discontent.

We conspire against the divinely appointed authority in our lives and try to put ourselves in charge. And ANY TIME that chain of command, appointed by God, is usurped…it is never good. God didn’t just throw things into place…absolutely every detail has laid in place for a reason.

So stop trying to be in charge. It’s not a good look.

And how many homes are filled with negative talk concerning the man of God, yet when their children need to be saved, they expect the Lord to just save them, despite the negative conversations surrounding the church and the preacher that have come from their very lips.

The Lord will not tolerate those who rise against his man. He never has.

When you rise against the man of God, not only are fighting authority, you’re standing in the way of the one who may win your children or your husband, or whoever to the Lord.

You’d never get in the way of an emergency responder…why would you get in the way of the Almighty?

Miriam had to be PUT OUT of the camp, before the Lord was free to move again. Her disobedience was not without consequence. Don’t make the Lord remove you before he can move. The mother, the wife, the WOMAN should never be what stands in the way. She should be fighting to keep the way clear.

Miriam did both.

She stirred a nation to worship after the Red Sea.

But she’s KNOWN for her murmurs and complaints against Moses.

How do you want to be known?

As one who stirs up worship?

Or as one who has to be put out of the camp before the Lord can move freely again?

Exodus 15:20-21

“And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances. And Miriam answered them, Sing ye to the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.”

Exodus 12:1

“And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses…”

Exodus 12:15

“And Miriam was shut out from the camp seven days…”

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