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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Mothering is holy work

Hebrews 6:10

“For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.”

There are so many nameless mothers in the Bible.

Noah’s wife.

The shunamite woman.

The mother of Samson.

The mother of James and John.

The Syrophenician mother.

To name a few…

And then there are the mothers that we don’t know anything about, but we know they existed, the mother of Abraham, Enoch, David, Isaiah, Mordecai, Deborah, Mary, Joseph, and countless others.

Nameless, but making a mark.

Changing the world, because of who they raised.

Maybe some of the mothers we don’t know anything about, weren’t good ones. Or maybe they passed away early in the lives of their children.

But someone stepped up and stepped in, and mothered them, and sought to teach them about the Lord.

How would Abraham have known the voice of the Lord, had someone not taught him?

How would David have known how to sing such beautiful songs to the Lord, in worship, had someone not sung and worshipped to him and in front of him?

How would Mary and Joseph have known the voice of Lord, after hundreds of dark, silent years, had someone not constantly told them of the things that they DID know from the Lord?

Mothering is sanctifying.

A holy work, set apart.

Sometimes it seems like no one sees.

But all the nameless mothers of scripture tell us, that there is a record.

You are making a mark.

There will come a day that someone benefits from your holy work. God sees, and he will never leave that labor of love without a harvest day.

Every moment, God is using you.

Every interaction, weaves into the future as God uses this little life for his glory.

Nameless? Maybe.

But not unnoticed.

Not unhonored.

Not overlooked.

Nameless? Maybe.

But there is One, who knows your name, and every detail of you, and he has called you to a holy occupation.

Nameless? Maybe.

But He knows.

Happy Mother’s Day.

You are not nameless, you are named by the One who flung the stars in place. Whether these children are yours, by blood…or yours because you chose to stand in the gap and mother, I honor you.🤍

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