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Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Music worships someone

“Music increases blood flow to the brain regions that generate and control emotions.

It can change your sleep patterns and quality, mental alertness, memory, anxiety levels and depression levels.

Depending on the music you listen to, musical affects can be positive or they can be negative.”

-Hopkins Medical Journal

Music can change your perception.

Music can trigger aggression.

Music can cause negative thoughts.

-Google search page

Ezekiel 28 tells us that Satan was deeply involved in music in heaven. He played musical instruments and sang in worship to the Lord.

He had to have been a leader of some kind, since a third of the angels followed him when he was cast from heaven.

He was beautiful and skilled.

Until he decided that he would prefer to worship himself, rather than the One who had created music in the first place.

He wanted God to share the glory.

Or give it up entirely.

And ever since his sin in heaven, he has prowled the earth, seeking to destroy lives by drawing them into self worship.

In the garden, his first move was getting Eve to think she was just as worthy as God, and discredit what God had said. (Genesis 3)

She allowed what she heard whispered in her ear, to control her choices, rather than what she knew to be fact from the mouth of God.

And that has been his mode of operation since.

He seeks to draw worship away from the Lord and promote the worship of self.

One of his favorite tactics is to slip his agenda in on the sound waves, which can actually alter your brain. (Ephesians 2:2)

This is why the music you listen to is so important.

If you’re listening to music that promotes self and the worship of self, you are all but giving the enemy the keys to your mind.

When you play music that promotes the love of self, what are your children learning?

When you listen to music that glorifies self, what is that doing to your marriage?

Where are you giving Satan a foot hold simply because you’re listening to his messages through music that worships the wrong person?

Even music from “Christian” labels have a recurring theme of self worship.

Music is powerful.

Music was created for worship.

So, who are you worshipping when you turn on the radio in your car?

What mindsets and lifestyles are you so desensitized to simply because of the music that you have let in your mind?

All music worships someone.

Who are you worshipping?

Who are you letting in your mind?

Music matters.

Because if you let the enemy in your music, he will eventually get into everything else, because music so greatly influences the mind.

I haven’t always done right by what I have chosen to allow into my mind through the avenue of music.

But I can testify that music that worships self has never improved my walk with the Lord.

It has never decreased my anxiety.

It has never helped my moods.

It has never made me kinder.

Music matters.

Be aware of who you’re choosing to worship.

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