Genesis 12:1
“Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:”
“Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred…”
Leave everything you are comfortable with.
Leave family behind.
And I will tell you where to go to.
Abraham could’ve, very easily, made excuses and disobeyed that command.
There is no record of any kind of argument, or even a question. Abraham simply goes.
He packs up, and follows.
He has no idea where he is headed.
He leaves his family behind.
He leaves his homeland behind.
And goes, without hesitation.
Had he chosen to ignore the Lord, and excuse his disobedience, he would’ve lived and died childless. He would’ve missed out on the miracles of God because he had excuses away the call of God.
The Lord would’ve sent Isaac.
But he would’ve sent him through someone else, had Abraham disobeyed the call to “get thee out.”
Sarah would’ve been known as the barren woman, and would’ve never held a child of her own. Abraham would’ve never walked with the Lord, and seen him work miracles in his life.
He would’ve lived and died where he was comfortable, and forfeit all the miracles God was waiting to work in his life.
He would’ve lived an ordinary life.
But God wanted to give him an extraordinary life.
And it all came down to obedience.
Miracles aren’t seen by those who excuse away their disobedience. Miracles aren’t seen by the ones who argue with the Lord, and fight his call.
If you’re praying for a miracle, are you willing to “get thee out…” if that’s what it takes? Are you willing to follow the Lord, or are you excusing your disobedience and still expecting miracles?
Excuses do not see miracles.