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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

No small miracles

Matthew 8:14-15

“And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever.

And he touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose, and ministered unto them.”

How long did Peter’s mother in law lay sick before she was healed?

I cannot find a verse where Peter asked the Lord to come and touch her.

He was in the presence of Jesus, watching LITERAL miracles unfold, and never once asked Jesus to touch her?

Did he just expect Jesus to do so when he came to his house?

Did he think a fever was too “small” of a miracle to ask about?

When Jesus touched her, she immediately began to serve them, how much more could she have accomplished if Peter would’ve simply said “Lord, you’re healing others, please say the word and heal my mother in law.”

How much more ministry could she have accomplished if Peter would’ve taken her need seriously?

He was so “used to” miraculous things before his eyes, that he didn’t even think about his own mother in law. He was quick to open his mouth, except over his own family.

How many times are we just like Peter and fail to take the needs of others seriously?

Are we so used to seeing the Lord move, that we don’t think that asking him for a miracle is still “a thing?” Or maybe we are okay with him not moving? Maybe Peter didn’t think the fever was that “serious.” Maybe it had been worse and she was improving in small increments. Maybe Peter thought they could continue to handle the fever at home? No need to trouble Jesus, with such a “little” miracle.

No miracles with Jesus are small or insignificant.

Nothing he does is small.

He is great, and so is everything he does.

Maybe healing Peter’s mother in law wasn’t as “big” as Lazarus rising from the dead.

But it was big to Jesus, because it was big to Peter’s mother in law.

She immediately rose and began to minister to the Lord.

Don’t fail to beseech the Lord for a miracle just because it doesn’t seem “earth shattering.”

Peter’s mother in law may have even asked Peter to bring Jesus, maybe he refused.

Can you imagine, laying there and needing a touch, and someone refusing to get Jesus for you?

Yet how many times do we do that when we don’t take the needs of others as seriously as we would take our own?

It’s time to go get Jesus.

It’s time to take this seriously.

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