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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

No Waste at the altar

No waste at the altar.

When Abraham laid it all on the altar, and Isaac was staring up at his Father, I wonder if he hesitated for a moment.

I wonder if Abraham thought to himself, “this is a waste.” Was Isaac crying? Was he asking his daddy why he was going to sacrifice him? Was he calm, knowing God would move?

And as Abraham raised the knife, the Angel of the Lord stopped him.

He laid it all on the altar.

But there was no waste there.

The Lord did not waste that offering on the altar, he used it, he multiplied it.

And your sacrifice will be no different.

He does not waste the offerings placed on the altar. He takes them, and in His hands, they multiply. What you have laid down, what you have sacrificed—though it may have broken your heart—will not be in vain.

There is no waste at the altar, only abundance. The altar is not the end; it is the beginning. It opens the door to more—more grace, more blessing, more than you ever imagined.

Jehovah Jireh is still providing, he is still the master of the altar.

There is no waste on the altar.

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