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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

November Scripture Plan

I started working my first scripture plan in November of 2020. It was the night following a silent ultrasound, when I was told “I’m sorry, no heartbeat.”

I didn’t want to pick up my bible at all.

But that’s all I knew to do.

So I screenshot a scripture plan from an Instagram friend, and made myself read.

The verse for that particular day was “this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Did I feel like there was anything to rejoice about?


But the command was clear, it was a day that the Lord had made, so I was to rejoice.

So through that month, I read verse after verse about thanksgiving and praise…through doctor visits, a close call, surgery, and unending grief.

And you know what?

Sometimes thanksgiving is a sacrifice, because it’s not about you. It’s all about him. You’re forced to redirect your focus to the One you are worshipping, rather than worshipping what is pressing you.

I hope and pray that this November scripture plan will have the same effect on you, and stir something in you to help you go another mile, as that plan two years ago did for me.

He’s worthy, is he not?

No matter what is raging, he hasn’t lost his worthiness!


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