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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent


Mathew 14:30

“But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.”

Peter sank in the middle of a miracle.

He was walking on the water with Jesus.

He was having a moment in the presence of Jesus that no one else was having.

It was personal.

It was miraculous.

And then, he suddenly became aware of the wind and the waves. He felt the rain on his skin, and his gaze wandered from the face of Jesus.

He was in the middle of a miracle, and he began to sink, because his focus was wrongly placed.

You can find yourself sinking, in the middle of something AMAZING, when you begin to hear the howl of the wind over the Master’s voice.

You felt the rain more than you felt the touch of his hand. The waves grew bigger in your vision, than the Master of the waves.

If I would’ve been Jesus, I would’ve scolded Peter the moment he began to sink. When he cried “Lord, save me,” I would’ve said “You are in the middle of something MIRACULOUS, and you’re sinking!?”

But instead, Jesus simply reached out, and lifted him out, “o thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” Jesus is often more merciful than we are to ourselves.

He knew the storm had shaken Peter. He wasn’t asking Peter what made him doubt, because he needed information. He asked Peter so Peter would search his heart. So, Peter would pinpoint his misplaced focus.

He knew how distracting and overwhelming the storm can be, even in the midst of a miracle.

He wasn’t asking for Peter to not find the storm overwhelming. He was asking for Peter to find his presence more overwhelming, more powerful, greater than the storm that raged.

He wanted the miracle to be greater to Peter than all that was going on in the background.

Maybe the storm is great.

Maybe the winds are howling.

Maybe the sting of raindrops is felt stronger than the touch of his hand.

Maybe the miracle is fading from view.

Maybe you can feel yourself sinking.

Just cry for him.

Cry to him.

He knows the storm is overwhelming, but let his presence be greater.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace.

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