Perhaps this year hasn’t unfolded the way you dreamed.
Perhaps the place you find yourself is far from where you prayed to be.
There were no great milestones to celebrate.
The house wasn’t bought.
The ring never came.
The test stayed negative.
The baby never got to be rocked in your arms.
The promotion passed you by.
The trip never happened.
And maybe, just maybe, there are chapters from this year you wish you could tear out.
Perhaps there are faces that began this year beside you,
but now you sit with the ache of their absence.
Some years are not for reaping.
Some years are for enduring.
Some years, all the work is hidden.
Roots stretching deeper, unseen in the dark soil,
quietly anchoring, silently growing.
Not all years bear fruit.
But you? You made it.
You stayed when it was easier to give up.
You planted yourself firmly, even as storms raged.
If this year wasn’t your harvest year, take heart.
The fruit is coming.
The One who watches over every seed will not forget yours.
He has not overlooked you.
You don’t have to celebrate a year that left you weary,
but you can look ahead.
Ahead to the promise of abundance.
Ahead to joy restored.
The harvest will come.
In His perfect time, it will come.
And when it does,
it will be worth every tear that watered the soil.🤍
