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  • Writer's pictureSarah Trent

Raising Disciples

There’s plenty of people willing to disciple your kids for you.

They are willing to disciple them through a screen.

They are willing to disciple them in a classroom.

They are willing to disciple them on a stage.

“Discipling means helping others follow Jesus or another belief system. Discipling is a relationship in which we seek to do good for someone by initiating, teaching, correcting, modeling, counseling, and influencing.”

When you treat the discipleship of your children flippantly, someone else is more than willing to take it seriously.

When you are passive, someone else is vigilant.

Raising disciples means being one yourself.

Hell doesn’t tremble at a home who goes to church on Sundays. Hell trembles at home full of disciples, at parents who are modeling Jesus to children who will grow up to the world changers.

12 disciples flipped this world upside down after Jesus ascended.

What could Jesus do with parents who choose to be disciples and raise them?

If you don’t someone else will.

It may not be the LGBTQ, but it could be.

It may not be a liberal teacher/professor, but it could be.

It may not be demon worshipping pop singers, but it could be.

It may be the enemy you don’t expect, the contemporary Christian artists who sit and applaud blatant sin. Those may be the people who disciple your children.

The truth is, you were called to disciple your children, and anyone who does that job in your place is automatically less qualified.

Don’t outsource your calling.

There are many people willing to disciple your children, to take the time to influence and shape their minds.

To raise disciples, you must be one.

Don’t step out the way, because you’re unwilling to sacrifice yourself, and give over that job to the highest bidder.

This world wants your children, don’t hand them over.

John 15:8

“Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.”

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