Genesis 29:31
“And when the Lord saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb…”
I’ve often wondered how Leah felt.
She knew Jacob wanted her sister, yet she was used by her father to force Jacob into another seven years of labor.
When he woke up the next day, following their wedding, and was angry at the sight of her, she had to have felt unwanted.
Alone and rejected.
Used by the ones who should’ve protected her.
Jacob worked another 7 years for the bride he actually wanted, and all the time, there was Leah.
But God saw Leah.
When everyone else rejected her, God chose her.
The tribes of Israel began in Leah.
Judah and Levi were Leah’s sons.
God chose her to begin something for his glory.
He wasn’t looking for the most popular.
He wasn’t looking for the best looking, or most talented.
He wasn’t even looking for the most loved.
He was just looking for someone who was available.
And Leah was.
Maybe she looked back on her life and wished some things would’ve been different, but overall, I’m sure she couldn’t help but raise unworthy hands to the one who had given her purpose, who had seen someone who was unwanted and let them know that they were wanted by him!
People tried to determine the worth of Leah.
But they could not override the worth that the Lord saw in her.
People don’t determine your worth.
People don’t determine the extent that the Lord can use you.
You can be rejected, unwanted, uninvited, and overlooked by everyone around you, and the Lord can still begin a holy work through you, as he did through Leah.
The Lord wants to use you.
And he is not waiting on permission from those around you.
He’s simply waiting on you, to choose his voice, over all the other voices around you.
His thoughts about you are the only ones that matter.
Let him use you.