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Writer's pictureSarah Trent


Matthew 4:17

“From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

“How many sins go unrepented of, because of self-justification?”

-Bro. Barry Rackley

How many things do I sweep under the rug because I excuse it away?

“Well I didn’t deserve to be treated that way.”

“It’s just part of my personality.”

“They did wrong first.”

“I was really stressed.”

“I was just…”


When I stand before him, how many things will I have on my record, UNREPENTED, because I thought I could excuse it away?

The first thing Adam did in the garden was try to blame God for his disobedience, and excuse it away.

“The woman you gave me…”

He sought to justify his sin by telling God that the woman that had been given to him BY God was the reason for his disobedience.

Rather simply repenting for sin, he wanted an excuse, a way to justify it.

What are you hindering God with because you’ve sought to justify it? You’ve sought to explain it away? You’ve tried to make sin a lesser thing in the eyes of a thrice holy God.

You can’t whitewash it.

You can justify it.

Because sin is still sin, and we love to use that phrase as long as we are addressing the sin of someone else and not the sin in US!

Take responsibility.

Be accountable.

Even for those things that you feel like you can justify within yourself. Because when we see him, we will wish we would’ve repented of all of it. We will realize just how holy he is.

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